General Data Protection Regulations Policy Statement
FARMER COPLEYS FARM SHOP LIMITED collects and uses information about people with whom it communicates. This personal information must be dealt with properly and securely however it is collected, recorded and used – whether on paper, in a computer, or recorded on other material – and there are safeguards to ensure this in the General Data Protection Regulations 2018.
FARMER COPLEYS FARM SHOP LIMITED regards the lawful and correct treatment of personal information as very important to the successful and efficient performance of its functions, and to maintain confidence between those with whom it deals. To this end FARMER COPLEYS FARM SHOP LIMITED fully endorses and adheres to the General Data Protection Regulations, as set out in the General Data Protection Regulations 2018.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the staff, and trainees of FARMER COPLEYS FARM SHOP LIMITED are clear about the purpose and principles of Data Protection and to ensure that it has guidelines and procedures in place which are consistently followed.
Failure to adhere to the General Data Protection Regulations is unlawful and could result in legal action being taken against FARMER COPLEYS FARM SHOP LIMITED or its staff.
The General Data Protection Regulation Act 2018 regulates the processing of information relating to living and identifiable individuals (data subjects). This includes the obtaining, holding, using or disclosing of such information, and covers computerised records as well as manual filing systems and card indexes.
Data users must comply with the data protection principles of good practice which underpin the Act. To comply with the law, information must be collected and used fairly, stored safely and not disclosed to any other person unlawfully.
To do this FARMER COPLEYS FARM SHOP LIMITED follows the main Data Protection
Principles outlined in the General Data Protection Regulation 2018, which are summarised below:
I. Personal data will be processed fairly and lawfully
II. Data will only be collected and used for specified purposes
III. Data will be adequate, relevant and not excessive
IV. Data will be accurate and up to date
V. Data will not be held any longer than necessary
VI. Data subject’s rights will be respected
VII. Data will be kept safe from unauthorised access, accidental loss or damage
VIII. Data will not be transferred to a country outside the European Economic Area, unless that country has equivalent levels of protection for personal data.
The principles apply to “personal data” which is information held on computer or in manual filing systems from which they are identifiable. FARMER COPLEYS FARM SHOP LIMITED’s employees who process or use any personal information in the course of their duties will ensure that these principles are followed at all times.
The following procedures have been developed in order to ensure that FARMER COPLEYS
FARM SHOP LIMITED meets its responsibilities in terms of Data Protection. For the purposes of these procedures data collected, stored and used by FARMER COPLEYS FARM SHOP LIMITED falls into 2 broad categories:
1. FARMER COPLEYS FARM SHOP LIMITED ’s internal data records;
2. FARMER COPLEYS FARM SHOP LIMITED ’s external data records;
FARMER COPLEYS FARM SHOP LIMITED as a body is a DATA CONTROLLER, and the Management is ultimately responsible for the policy’s implementation.
Personal data is collected in person, over the phone and using other methods such as e-mail.
During this initial contact, the data owner is given an explanation of how this information will be used.
Written consent is not requested as it is assumed that the consent has been granted when an individual freely gives their own details.
Personal data will not be passed on to anyone outside the organisation without explicit consent from the data owner unless there is a legal duty of disclosure under other legislation. Contact details held on the organisation’s database may be made available to groups/ individuals outside of the organisation. Individuals are made aware of when their details are being collected for the database and their verbal or written consent is requested. For marketing purposes, we will only contact individuals who have chosen to opt-in to any marketing by electronic means, email or SMS messaging.
Internal data records
FARMER COPLEYS FARM SHOP LIMITED obtains personal data (names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses), application forms, our loyalty scheme and references and in some cases other documents from staff.
The contact details of its associates will only made available to other staff.
Any other information supplied on application will be kept in a secure filing cabinet and is not accessed during the day to day running of the organisation.
Contact details of staff, volunteers or trustees will not be passed on to anyone outside the organisation without their explicit consent. Staff, will be supplied with a copy of their personal data held by the organisation if a request is made. All confidential post must be opened by the addressee only.
External data records
FARMER COPLEYS FARM SHOP LIMITED obtains personal data (such as names, addresses, email addresses and phone numbers) from our loyalty scheme which is run by Fidelity Systems. A copy of their GDPR policy is available on request.
This data is obtained, stored and processed to assist staff in the efficient running of services and process. Company information is also used to facilitate applications for funding.
Most of this information is stored on the organisation’s database. Hard copy documents, including funding documents will be retained for a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 7 years.
FARMER COPLEYS FARM SHOP LIMITED obtains personal data and information from applicants and other companies in order to provide services. This data is stored and processed only for the purposes outlined in the agreement and service specification signed by the applicant and company.
Paper-based data is stored in organised in secure cabinets within our registered office and in secure folders when used by our staff. FARMER COPLEYS FARM SHOP
Internally and at our registered address FARMER COPLEYS FARM SHOP LIMITED. Digital data is kept securely on our internal server and accessed at our registered address through authorised computers that are password-protected, passwords are updates every 30 days.
Externally and where necessary staff and directors will store personal data in respect to customer information in digital form in a Password protected device/laptop and case system in their vehicle during their working day.
Only the organisation’s staff or directors will normally have access to personal data.
All staff, or directors, whether in our offices or in the premises adhere to the companies the Data Protection Policy and their obligation not to disclose personal data to anyone who is not supposed to have it. Information supplied is kept in a secure filing, paper and electronic system and is only accessedby those individuals involved in the delivery of the service.
Information will not be passed on to anyone outside the organisation without their explicit Consent.
Individuals will be supplied with a copy of any of their personal data held by the organisation if a request is made.
Responsibilities of staff, and associates
They may be told or overhear sensitive information while working for FARMER COPLEYS FARM
SHOP LIMITED. The General Data Protection Regulations (2018) gives specific guidance on how this information should be dealt with. In short to comply with the law, personal information must be collected and used fairly, stored safely and not disclosed to any other person unlawfully. Staff, Directors, paid or unpaid must abide by this policy.
FARMER COPLEYS FARM SHOP LIMITED will take reasonable steps to keep personal data up to date and accurate. Personal data will be stored for as long as the applicant uses our services. Where an individual cease to use our services and it is not deemed appropriate to keep their records, their records will be destroyed However, unless we are specifically asked by an individual to destroy their details, we will normally keep them on file for future reference.
If a request is received from an organisation/ individual to destroy their records, we will remove their details from the database and request that all staff holding paper or electronic details for the organisation destroys them. This work will be carried out by the Data Protection Officer.
This procedure applies if FARMER COPLEYS FARM SHOP LIMITED is informed that an individual or organisation ceases to exist.
Use of Photographs
Where practicable, FARMER COPLEYS FARM SHOP LIMITED will seek consent from individuals before displaying photographs in which they appear. If this is not possible (for example, a large group photo), the organisation will remove any photograph if a complaint is received. This policy also applies to photographs published on the organisations website, social media or in a Newsletter whether in print or digital.
Personal Data Requests
Personal Data Requests must be given in writing to the Data Protection Officer (DPO) for FARMER COPLEYS FARM SHOP LIMITED. Where applicable we may require proof of identity for this request.
Data Protection Officer:
Ravensknowle Farm
Pontefract Road
West Yorkshire
01977 600200
Once acknowledged the DPO will provide the relevant information within 28 days of request. If the personal data request is not met by FARMER COPLEYS FARM SHOP LIMITED within 28 days of request. or you are unhappy with the personal data report. The next action would be to contact the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) with the relevant information for the ICO to peruse this grievance on your behalf. More information about the ICO and the General Data Protection Regulations can be found at.